ترجم الموقع

samedi 4 octobre 2014

برنامج اي 2 بي

مشروع I2P اختصارًا لـ Invisible Internet Project هو برنامج حر ومجاني يمكن مستخدميه من الاتصال بدون الكشف عن الهوية على شبكة الإنترنت. الشبكة تمكن التطبيقات التي تستخدمها من الحفاظ على خصوصية المستخدم حيث تشمل تطبيقات التصفح المجهول، والدردشة ،البريد الإلكتروني والمدونات ومشاركة الملفات. يهدف البرنامج إلى دعم حرية التعبير والرأي وتجاوز حجب المواقع على الأنترنت يمكنك التعبير عن رأيك بحرية دون الخوف من أن تعرف مستخدم البرنامج.
هي شبكة تخفي تؤمن طبقة يمكن أن تستخدمها التطبيقات الحساسة بالنسبة للهوية الشخصية للاتصال بشكل آمن حيث تغطى جميع البيانات بعدة مستويات من التشفير إضافةً لكون الشبكة موزعة وديناميكية بنفس الوقت بدون الاعتماد على أطراف موثوقة
تتوافر العديد من التطبيقات التي تتخاطب مع I2P وتشمل البريد الإلكتروني، تطبيقات الندّ للندّ، محادثة IRC وغيرها
تمّ البدء بمشروع I2P في العام 2003 لدعم جهود كل من يحاول بناء المجتمع الحرّ وذلك من خلال تأمين نظام تواصل خفيّ، غير قابل للمراقبة وآمن. I2P هي نتاج جهود تضافرت لإنتاج شبكة قليلة التأخير ،موزعة بشكل كامل ،مستقلة ،خفيّة ،مرنة وآمنة. الهدف هو العمل بنجاح ضمن بيئة معادية بالرغم من كون موارد المنظمة المالية أو السياسية تحت الهجوم. كل ما يتعلق بهذه الشبكة مفتوح المصدر ومتوفر بدون أي تكلفة وهذا ما يضمن لمن يستخدمه أن هذه الشبكة تؤدي ما تدعيه، بالإضافة إلى تمكين الآخرين من المشاركة في تطويرها في مواجهة المحاولات العدوانية لخنق الكلمة الحرة.
التخفي ليس شيئاً حديّاً، بمعنى أننا لا نحاول أن نصنع شيئاً "خفياً بالكامل"، ولكن نعمل على أن نجعل الهجمات أكثر وأكثر تكلفةً لمن يريد أن يشنها. I2P هي مزيج من الشبكات قليلة التأخير وهناك حدود للتخفي الموفر بواسطة نظام كهذا، ولكن تطبيقات مثل Syndie، I2P mail و I2PSnark توسع هذا النظام وتوفر المزيد من الوظائف إضافية والحماية.
ما تزال I2P عملاً قيد الإنجاز لا يجب أن يعتمد عليه في الوقت الراهن في التخفي بشكل "مضمون" وذلك بسبب حجم الشبكة الصغير نسبياً وقلة المراجعة الأكاديمية المتوسعة. كما لا تعتبر حالياً منيعةً ضد الهجمات من قبل أشخاص بموارد غير محدودة وقد لاتكون أبداً كذلك، تبعاً للمحدوديات الموروثة من كونها مزيج من الشبكات قليلة التأخير.

فلكي تستطيع الدخول اليه عليك اولا تحمل  installer الخاص به من هنا
والذي سوف يمكنك من فتح الرابط
I2P Router Console - home - Windows Internet Explorer - [Windows 7 & Kali Linux]_010
والذي من خلال سوف تحصل علي العديد والعديد من المواقع التي تنتمي للنطاق .i2p
ملحوظة قد يستغرق وقت التحميل للموقع اطول من المواقع  وقد يكون هناك مشكلة في الدخول في بعض الدول

lundi 25 août 2014

كل ما تحتاجه لتفهم مبدأ عمل عُملة Bitcoin


منذ أن طفت قضية Bitcoin إلى السطح من جديد وأنا أرغب في كتابة شيء مبسط عنها، تناقشت مع وليد  حول الأمر لنرى أينا سيكتب عن الأمر لكن التعقيدات التقنية التي ترافق هذه العملة المشفرة دفعت كلانا إلى إرجاء الأمر، إلى أن قرأت مؤخرا مقالين نُشرا على منصة Medium والتي تشرح بشكل مُبسط دون الخوض في أي من تعقيدات تشفير هذه العملة. سأحاول في هذا المقال استعراض زبدة الموضوعين لتبسيط فهم مبدأ عمل هذه العملة على من التبس عليه الأمر (لا تقلق التبس الأمر على الجميع، حتى من كان يُكثر الحديث حولها :) ).
لشرح آلية عمل Bitcoin يقوم كاتب المقال الأول والذي عنونه بـ “كيف تشرح Bitcoin لرجل الشارع العادي” بالعودة بنا إلى عصر أبعد ما يكون عن التشفير وسراديبه المعقدة، وتحديدا إلى Yap الواقعة في جنوب المحيط الهادي والمتكونة من أربع جزر. بحكم أن هذه الجزر لم تحتو على أي من المعادن النفيسة التي يُمكن الاعتماد عليها كقاعدة للمعاملات المالية مثلما كان عليه الحال مع باقي الأمم اكتشف سكان هذه الجزر نوعا من الأحجار الكلسية في مجموعة جزر تبعد عنها بحوالي 250 ميلا، وبحكم البعد الجغرافي لهذا المكان وعدم توفر هذا النوع من الأحجار على جرز Yap تم اعتمادها كقاعدة للتبادل التجاري. يقوم زعماء القبائل هناك بتنظيم رحلات ما بين الحين والآخر لجلب بعض الأحجار المنحوتة على شكل أقراص والتي يترواح حجمها ما بين الصغيرة التي لا يتجاوز طولها الإنش الواحد والتي يصل طولها إلى 12 قدما، يحصل زعيم كل قبيلة على 40% من الأحجار التي تم جمعها ويوزع الباقي على أعضاء الرحلة.
بحكم أن الأحجار الكبيرة صعبة النقل من مكان إلى آخر، فإنه -وبدل نقلها من منزل المشتري إلى منزل البائع (أو إلى منزل المُهدى إليه في حال قام مثلا زعيم قبيلة بإرسال هدية إلى زعيم قبيلة أُخرى)- يتم التفاهم بأن هذا الحجر هو ملك الشخص الفلاني أو زعيم القبيلة العلانية دون الحاجة إلى نقلها. إلى هنا يبدو الأمر بسيطا، لكن في بعض الأحيان يفقد أعضاء الرحلات الاستكشافية بعض الأحجار الكبيرة التي حصلوا عليها بسبب العواصف مثلا، أحجار يُفترض بها أن تُصبح ملكا لزعيم القبيلة. لما يرجع أعضاء الرحلة الاستكشافية إلى قبيلتهم، يتم إعلام الزعيم بذلك، ويتم التفاهم على أن ذاك الحجر هو ملك الزعيم. بعبارة أخرى لا يهم نقل الحجر فقط من مكان إلى آخر فحسب، بل لا يهم أن يعلم أحد بمكان تواجده بشكل دقيق، كل ما يُهم أن يتفاهم الجميع على أن الحجر الفلاني ذي الحجم العلاني، هو ملك لشخص مُعين.
لتلخيص الأمر، “النظام البنكي” لجزر Yap كان مبنيا حول زعماء مجموعة من القبائل والذين يملكون الحصة الأكبر من العملة التي تتمثل في مجموعة أحجار قرصية الشكل تتختلف أحجامها وقيمها تباعا لتلك الأحجام، ولا حاجة لنقل الأحجار الكبيرة من مكان إلى آخر، بل كل ما يحتاجه هذا النظام ليعمل بشكل جيد هو أن يعلم الجميع أي حجر يملكه أي زعيم قبيلة.
الأمر مماثل بشكل قد يصل إلى التطابق مع عملة Bitcoin، حيث أنه وبدل استعمال مادة نادرة والمتمثلة في الأحجار الكلسية في المثال الأول، تعتمد Bitcoin على مجموعة من الأرقام التي تملك خواصا مُعينة، هذه الخواص متوفرة في مجموعة نادرة من الأرقام والتي يصعب إيجادها، لكن بمجرد إيجادها يمكن التحقق من أنها فعلا تملك تلك الخواص (تماما مثلما يُمكن لسكان جزر Yap التحقق من أن الأحجار المعروضة لهم متكونة فعلا من نفس مكونات أحجارهم الكلسية)، وبدل القيام برحلات لجلب تلك الأحجار من جزر بعيدة، يتم اكتشاف تلك الأرقام بتشغيل برامج تقوم بالبحث والتنقيب المتواصل عنها، وبمجرد إيجادك لتلك الأرقام تصبح ملكا لك (لن تدفع 40% منها لأي كان) وسيتم إعلام الجميع في شبكة Bitcoin بأنه تم إيجاد ذلك الرقم وبأنه ملك لك، إلا أن الاختلاف مع أحجار Yap  هو السرية التي تحيط بالأمر، فبدل أن يُقال بأن الرقم كذا وكذا هو ملك سعيد ابن أبيه مثلا، سيتم ربط الأرقام التي تم إيجادها بمفاتيح تشفير خاصة ، ومالك تلك المفاتيح هو الذي يقدر على التحكم في تلك الأرقام.
وتماما مثلما يحدث على جزيرة Yap ولدى تحويل بعض الـ Bitcoins من حساب إلى آخر فإنه لا يتم إرسال تلك الـ Coins بل يتم إعلام الجميع بأن المالك الجديد لها هو صاحب مفتاح التشفير المُعين. وهنا يكمن السبب وراء اهتمام وسائل الإعلام بهذه العملة حيث أنها توفر مستوى عاليا من “الغفلية” anonymity (إن كانت لديك ترجمة أفضل لهذا المصطلح فأعملني به في تعليقك) لكل مستخدم، كما أنه لا يُمكن لأي جهة حكومية التحكم في سيرها حيث أنها عملة لا تقوم على مبدأ الثقة كما هو عليه الحال مع العملات الحالية، بل العكس تمام، فـBitcoin تقوم على مبدأ عدم الثقة بأية جهة وتشارك البيانات حول جميع الأموال المتوفرة مع الجميع.
مثال آخر يشرح بشكل أكثر تبسيطا (وربما أكثر سطحية) مبدأ عمل هذه العملة، والذي عنونه صاحبه بـ “كيف تشرح Bitcoin لطفل في السابعة من عمره“، والذي يأتي على النحو التالي:
لنفرض مثلا وجود غرفة يُمكن للجميع الدخول إليها لكنها محروسة بكاميرات مراقبة يُمكن لأي كان مشاهدة ما تُصور كما أنها تحفظ ما يتم تصويره إلى الأبد. تحتوي هذه الغرفة على حصالات (piggy banks) مصنوعة من بلاستيك شفاف تُمكن الجميع من رؤية أي قطع نقدية (Coins) موجودة في أية حصالة، إلا أنه لا يُمكن إخراج هذه الحصالات خارج الغرفة، كما يملك كل شخص يدخل إلى هذه الغرفة حصالة خاصة به.
كلما أراد شخص ما شراء شيء ما باستخدام ماله الموجود في حصالته، سيقوم البائع بإعلام المشتري أي تقع حصالته، وكل ما على المشتري فعله هو أن يدخل إلى تلك الغرفة متخفيا وراء قناع يخفي وجهه، ومن ثم يقوم بفتح حصالته باستخدام مفتاحه الخاص وتحويل بعض من ماله إلى حصالة البائع، ومن ثم يترك الغرفة. ما الذي حصل الآن؟ أصبحت معروفا لدى الجميع (كل من يشاهد تسجيلات كاميرات المراقبة) بأن جزءا من مالك تم تحويله إلى حصالة البائع، وهو ما يحصل مع جميع المعاملات التي تحصل في تلك الغرفة، يعني يعلم الجميع تاريخ كل قطعة نقدية وإلى أية حصالة تنتمي.
لكن من أين يتم الحصول على تلك القطع النقدية؟ لتبسيط الفكرة، يفرض هذا المثال بأن هناك روبوتا يقوم بسحب (lottery) على الحصالات الموجودة في الغرفة ومن ثم الوضع في إحداها مجموعة من القطع النقدية، سابقا كان من السهل الحصول على تلك القطع النقدية بما أن عدد الحصالات كان قليلا، لكن الأمر تغير بعد أن زاد الاهتمام بتلك الغرفة وأنشأ الكثيرون حصالات لهم فيها.
لا يُمكن لأي كان أن يدخل عملات أو قطع نقدية مزيفة إلى حصالته لأن كل قطعة نقدية تملك تاريخا مفصلا يعرفه جميع من يشاهد تسجيلات كاميرات المراقبة، يُمكن للجميع معرفة أن تلك القطع النقدية المزيفة لم يقم الروبوت سابق الذكر بتوزيعها.
يختتم المثال الثاني بسؤال حول هوية صانع ذلك الروبوت، تبقى هوية مُبدع عملة Bitcoin مجهولة حيث يختفي وراء الاسم المستعار Satoshi Nakamoto والذي يوحي بأنه ياباني الجنسية، إلا أن بعض المقالات التي تتحدث حول الأمر تُشكك في ذلك كون أول وثيقة نُشرت حول Bitcoin استعملت لغة انجليزية عالية المستوى، ويُرجح أن يكون كاتبها انجليزيا.
هل زال الغموض حول عملة Bitcoin بعد قراءتك لهذين المثالين؟

What is Bitcoin

mercredi 20 août 2014

مواقع من الويب المظلم Deep web links

OnionDir - Deep Web Link Directory


Hidden Service lists and search engines

http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ - DuckDuckGo Search Engine
http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/ - TORCH - Tor Search Engine
http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion/ - Onion URL Repository
http://2vlqpcqpjlhmd5r2.onion/ - Gateway to Freenet
http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion - The Hidden Wiki
http://idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion/ - Tor Project: Anonymity Online
http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion/ - Hidden Wiki .Onion Urls
http://wikitjerrta4qgz4.onion/ - Hidden Wiki - Tor Wiki
http://xdagknwjc7aaytzh.onion/ - Anonet Webproxy
http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page - All You're Wiki - clone of the clean hidden wiki that went down with freedom hosting
http://3fyb44wdhnd2ghhl.onion/ - All You're Base
http://j6im4v42ur6dpic3.onion/ - TorProject Archive
http://p3igkncehackjtib.onion/ - TorProject Media
http://cipollatnumrrahd.onion/ - Cipolla 2.0 (Italian)
http://dppmfxaacucguzpc.onion/ - TorDir - One of the oldest link lists on Tor

Marketplace Financial

http://torbrokerge7zxgq.onion/ - TorBroker - Trade securities anonymously with bitcoin, currently supports nearly 1000 stocks and ETFs
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Marketplace Commercial Services

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Marketplace Drugs

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http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/ - Black Market Reloaded


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http://edramalpl7oq5npk.onion/Main_Page - Encyclopedia Dramatica
http://ad52wtwp2goynr3a.onion/# - Dark Like My Soul
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http://7hk64iz2vn2ewi7h.onion/ - Blog about Stories
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http://4fvfamdpoulu2nms.onion/ - Lucky Eddie's Home
http://newsiiwanaduqpre.onion/ - OnionNews - Blog about the onionland

Forums and Chans

http://jv7aqstbyhd5hqki.onion - HackBB - Hacking & cracking forum
http://xdagknwjc7aaytzh.onion/20/http/ - Read only access to the Freenet FMS forums via the Anonet Webproxy
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Email and Messaging

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http://faerieuaahqvzgby.onion/ - Fairie Underground
http://tnysbtbxsf356hiy.onion/ - The New Yorker Strongbox
http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/ - Example rendezvous points page
http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion/ - The Intel Exchange Forum :: Information and discussion on various topics, ranging from Illegal Activities and Alternative Energy, to Conspiracy Theories and Hacking. Same people from SnapBBS on a fully secure, moderated and categorized forum.
http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion/weblog/index.html - A7B blog :: a blog dedicated to the restoration of a limited constitutional republic in the USA
http://assmkedzgorodn7o.onion/ - Anonymous, safe, secure, crowdfunded assassinations.
http://duskgytldkxiuqc6.onion/comsense.html - Commo Sense by Thomas Paine
http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/ - Destination Unknown


http://2gxxzwnj52jutais.onion/ - The Nowhere Server (restored from backup after FH)
http://jntlesnev5o7zysa.onion/ - The Pirate Bay - Torrents
http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion/ - Tor Library - library of books and other media files
http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/ - The Pirate Bay - Torrents (official .onion)
http://wuvdsbmbwyjzsgei.onion/ - Music Downloads
http://lolicore75rq3tm5.onion/ - Lolicore and Speedcore Music
http://vt27twhtksyvjrky.onion/ - lol 20th Century Western Music Recordings and Scores
http://2ygbaoezjdmacnro.onion/ - Pony at Noisebridge
http://xfmro77i3lixucja.onion/ - Imperial Library of Trantor
http://c3jemx2ube5v5zpg.onion/ - Jotunbane's Reading Club

Drugs Non-commercial

No links found.

Erotic 18+

http://tklxxs3rdzdjppnl.onion/sharepass/ - SharePass - Password sharing community
http://k4jmdeccpnsfe43c.onion/ - Girls Released - Some nice model pics
http://54dgeda4ik6iypui.onion/ - Gallery - Met-Art, FTVX etc sets
http://pinkmethuylnenlz.onion/ - The Pink Meth (mirror)
http://orsxvca7glswueo7.onion/ - EroDir - Lots and lots of Hentai

Erotic Hard Candy

http://lovezspamopfiqul.onion/ - TLZ discussion board
http://iqlnc7cbykhhurfo.onion/ - LLL - Image and Video down- & upload
http://oglbv4c4kpoobkid.onion/oglb/ - Onion Girl Love Board - Private Board
http://7haz75ietrhjds3j.onion/ - All Natural Spanking
http://spofoh4ucwlc7zr6.onion/ - Safe Port Forum
http://ftwwebt6e3nb3lmw.onion/ - FTW Image Boards
http://tlz3gig7k46s4r66.onion/ - TLZ private forums
http://vkq6wz4ozmldscii.onion/ - Topic Links - A CP sites link list

Erotic Jailbait

http://66m4z7ygkqghb4tc.onion/ - Some paradisebirds casey videos


http://germanyhusicaysx.onion - Deutschland im Deep Web - German forum
http://ffi5v46ttwgx3fby.onion/ - Das ist Deutschland hier 2.0 - German Board
http://runionv62ul3roit.onion/ - Russian Onion Union
http://5xki35vc4g5ts6gc.onion - GTF Greek Tor Forum . For greek speaking users
http://cipollatnumrrahd.onion/index.php - Cipolla 2.0 - Italian Community
http://runionv62ul3roit.onion - Russian community: market and anonymous talks about security, guns etc.
http://ptrackcp2noqu5fh.onion/ - PoliceTrack - Ne vous faites plus suivre par la police.
http://amberoadychffmyw.onion - Amberoad - russian anonymous market
http://r2d2akbw3jpt4zbf.onion - R2D2 - russian anonymous market
http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion - RAMP - biggest russian market (drugs only)
http://szmyt4v4vjbnxpg3.onion/ - Славянский
http://o2tu5zjxjlibrary.onion/ - Bibliotheca Alexandrina

mardi 19 août 2014

What is deepweb?

To understand what exactly is deepweb, you have to first understand how Internet is different from the World Wide Web. This explanation will be free from as much technical jargons as possible.
The Internet is actually a platform for sharing information. It is up to you how you wish to share that information. The World Wide Web has its main theme around the idea that there will be a host which stores information and the client which receives it, usually through a software called Web browser. Now that is their method of communicating data between digital machines. Take the example of a torrent network, they also share information within the Internet but they have their own set of software and network rules or methods to operate. This is the same case with the deepweb, it is just like the World Wide Web. The both are platforms, to different platforms working on the Internet to share data between machines.
The fact that this network is not centralised a.k.a. not controlled or censored by any authority opens up in many creative uses for it. The things that you could not do on the Internet for both technical and legal reasons can now be done on the deepweb.

So how do you connect to the deepweb?

There does not exist a singular deepweb platform. Numerous source platforms exist today, some of them easily accessible by public, some of them public but hard to find. And then there are those deepweb networks which were made by individuals or organisations specifically for their secure and private use.
As some deepweb platforms are totally private and out of the reach and scrutiny of governments and legal authorities worldwide, it opens up a can of whole new worms. People can now commit and exchange information related to digital and even physical crimes over the Internet. In the coming articles, you’ll see examples that will prove this case.

TOR Network

The most famous and widely used to deepweb network is called the Tor network. It is an open source and completely free network managed by THE ONION ROUTER. The onion router only manages the network, it cannot control it. All the servers and computers used by the Tor network run the same standard open source software, so there is no way that they could log your activity or even allow somebody else to monitor it. The Tor network is also home for various illegal and criminal activity websites.
For more information and to download Tor bundle to get connected with the most famous deepweb platform please visit https://www.torproject.org/

PSA: Using Your Street Smarts on the Deep Web *Both Buyers and Vendor*

During my years on TOR, I have seen countless scam attempts and many sad faces of those who were ripped off. Let's face it. Here in the deep web, scammers will always exist, plain and simple. no matter how hard we all try to bust them down, their presence will always remain. You will find them on forums, their own websites, and throughout all major and established dark markets. Now that we all have accepted this sad issue, let's discuss the many methods to help prevent you from falling into this trap.
First and foremost, the number one rule when doing business on the deep web is to always trust your instinct. I'm sure all of you heard this old saying before: if it's too good to be true, it probably is. I know it's very cliche, but it still holds a lot of merit. Most scam victims fail to follow this quote and go with their impulses instead. They see a product or deal at a astounding price, that they don't think of anything else but having the items in their hands. It's like being hypnotized in a sense. Don't worry, I'm not talking down on anyone. It's human nature to follow with impulses. Just remember that next time you see an amazing deal, think it through and see if this can be realistic.
Now that we covered the golden rule. I'm now going to discuss the different types of scam methods that are present thought the deep web. Please post if I left anything out or if you have any questions or comments.
The Hidden Wiki (THW)
THW is probably one of the oldest sites still in existance on TOR. It is more then likely one of the first sites many people new to TOR visit. It can be quite an amazing discovery seeing all the differnt businesses selling drugs, weapons, fraud items, stolen electronics, etc. For a lack of words, it's really awesome to see that you now have access to pretty much anything you want when you didn't prior to setting up TOR.
Now the problem here is that THW can be moderated by pretty much anyone who has registered an account. Some of the nefarious Hidden Wiki staff are very aware of the many new comers to th deep web. This is why it is safe to that just about every commercial site on THW are scams. Plan and simple. Even legitimate and well known markets featured on THW are more then likely phishing sites set up to steal your account information.
Long story short, AVOID the hidden wiki when searching for market links.
Example of Phishing site for SR 2.0 (DO NOT LOGIN!): http://e5wvymnx6bx5euvy.onion/ -best way to tell is that the URL is obviously the wrong one.
If you need a link to a market site, visit the subreddit DarkNetMarkets (http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/) or the Deep Dot Web (http://www.deepdotweb.com/). These sites provide legitimate market links that are never altered. If anyone knows of any other sites new comers can use to find legit links, please toss them up.
Non-Market Commercial Sites
Just like the ones listed on THW, pretty much all of the small sites that sell products and services are all pretty much scams. The only exception are sites that operated by established market vendors who are well-recognized and can be verified with their PGP. If anyone needs help verifying someones PGP, you are more then welcome to message me and I'll be glad to help. Plus, there are a few sites that catalog vendor PGPs and offer verification as well. I'll show you some examples of sites and how to tell the are rippers.
Green Notes Counter: http://67yjqewxrd2ewbtp.onion/
Here is a site that sells counterfeit coins. Sadly they do not accept escrow and give the typical scammer reason that they do not trust escrow sites. But for some ill-logic reason, it's okay to trust them. Lol -yeah right.
Double Your BTC: http://jmkxdr4djc3cpsei.onion/
Here is a site that "promises" to return to you the double amount of BTC you send them. Let's think about this, who on earth will give you free money? No one that's who. If they have such a wonderful method on doubling bitcoin, then why would they share it and not just keep it themselves to get rich? Well, actually they do have a method for getting rich, it's by stealing others coin.
Carder's Paradise: http://cardsv4kovqmjr37.onion/
Oh wow! a site that sells cloned debit cards with a pin# so that you can just easily walk to any ATM and cash it out. Just like with the double your btc service, who in their right mind would give away free money? Why couldn't they just keep the cards and cash them out themselves? These are the question you have to ask and the true simple answer is that they don't have any cards. They just want your coin and bolt.
People's Drug Store: http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion/
Just another rip-off site that offers no escrow protection and just wants steal from you. same with the other mentioned sites, they state that once payment is received, they will mail you the shipping information. I hate to say it but you will be waiting a long time for that info. IMPORTANT: Keep and eye out with other sites using the same format. They are hosted by a pseudo-organization called TorShops. Avoid all of their sites at all costs!
iPhones for 50%: http://iphoneavzhwkqmap.onion/
I'm just gonna say it, all of these electronic stores are scams. Never have I seen a legit ones. Either they feed you a line of shit on why they don't escrow and there are ones that offer a fake "escrow" service. The sites with "escrow accepted" will usually send you a link to a site you probably never heard of and ask you do depoist money and simply release it when you get your item. Sadly, the electronic site most likely owns that escrow site and will just take the btc and avoid your emails.
I won't go into a lot of detail but the self-operated sites that sell guns and offer hitman services. They are all scams plain and simple. The solution is to just stick to the established markets and use their escrow system. Remember, escrow is the main line of defense that protects you from losing your coin. Always use it.
Scammers on Commercial Markets
This section will cover how to spot and deal with rippers that use established markets to host their scam. Some of them demand FE on everything, others will appear to have outstanding feedback, and there are even some that offer escrow too. Crazy, I know. So here are the ways to spot them and some tactics they use to steal your coins.
The first and easy ones to spot are the brand new vendors to a site with no reputation and off the bat request FE. They either sell a great variety of different products (red flag) at great price hoping to grab as many customers as possible. Or, they have a few big and expensive products and wait until someone takes the bait. when you spot these people, question them on why they don't accept escrow. The most common replies scammers give are "they don't trust escrow" or "BTC is too unpredictable". Whatever excuse they give you, just walk away. I know, that's a killer deal they offer, but wouldn't you rather be at peace of mind? There are plenty of legit vendors that accept escrow. Don't risk it and go with them. I forgot to mention, always check their feedback and the forums to find any reviews the vendor may have. This will give you better assurance whether or not to deal with the vendor.
A lot of the time. you will find scammers with amazing feedback. How could this be? Well, they use the tactic called feedback stacking. This is when a scammer registers numerous buyer accounts and buy from themselves and leave amazing feedback. Here is what to look for when spotting padded feedback: numerous complete orders on the same day, price is extremely low or item was deleted, same username or same comments are used over and over again.
Example: if you have Pandora, login and check out this seller's profile (Note: this is not an attack on Pandora, it was just an example I found. These are found on every market. Sorry Pandora)
Scroll all the way down and look at the feedback (long way down. seller's way of hiding it). Loot at that. This is probably the most obvious padded feedback ever seen. Some are more clever then that, but they always slip up by showing a pattern. You'll notice it when you come across it.
When you order from a vendor and the item is in escrow, make sure you note the shipping time. A lot of rippers will set a short shipping time hoping that you won't notice so that the order will auto-finalize. Just remember when funds are released whether after FE'ing or the order auto-finalized, the first thing that vendor will do is quickly withdraw the coin to their wallet. It is now out of the staff's hands to recover your money.
One final note, be careful when posting in the wanted or buyer request section of a market's forum. This is where a lot of rip offs occur. You may get plenty of PMs from people who aren't even a vendor saying they can help you out. Just remember to tell them HELL NO and wait for a verified vendor to reply. Because you know what's gonna if you decide to follow through with that PM offer.
Well this is what I got so far. Pretty long-winded I know. Please feel free to ask question or toss in any extra info I forgot to discuss. Stay safe out there everyone and remember that golden rule: if it's too good to be true, it probably is
Part 2: Vendor Protection against Scam Attempts

Being a vendor myself, I can fully understand and sympathize for all the hard work and business management they must go through. Albeit these instances are less common, they still do happen and pretty much any vendor whose been in the game long is more than likely to have any of the following occur.

Buyer disputes order stating that it is not what they expected or item did not arrive even though it did
As I stated, there are far more awesome and honest buyers than bad apples. But sadly, it does happen mainly with either low life's, or kids thinking they can pull a fast one. I cannot stress this enough, when creating a new listing be sure to give as much detail as possible. This will prevent any confusion and if a dispute occurs, you can refer the buyer and staff telling them that sold product is in accordance with the description. Plus, when you have 50 customers before them saying they were satisfied with the item received, you will have much higher chances winning a dispute.
When a buyer claim the package is a no-show, make sure you do either of the following to prevent this. Place tracking on all of your items that you ship. For security, try not to give it out unless it is necessary. This is great proof to show staff that you did indeed ship out the item. If you do not use tracking, make sure it is known in your profile that this is the case and you cannot give refunds on lost packages. It would be to the buyers discretion whether or not to order.

Buyer Threatens to Leave Negative Feedback Unless Given a Refund
I've actually had this happen to me. This was a plain and simple case that he was looking for free stuff and wanted to be an ass and go this route. It really frustrated me because I was very nice and polite to the dude and he decided to pull this shit on me. Well, I handled it in a professional manner and backed off. This is what I did and what you can do too in this situation. I basically called his bluff. I explained to him that I have 40+ customers before him (which is true) buy the same product and every single one of them was completely satisfied. Given that information, I told him that I wasn't going to give him a refund, and to go ahead and leave the negative feedback if you wish.
If he had left the negative feedback, I would've retorted that this customer was just a troll looking for free stuff, and given my positive track record with this item I did not feel a refund with in order. He never did leave the feedback and released the escrow, which I'm happy smile Also, depending on your market, staff will remove negative feedback if it was unjustified. Just report to staff and see what they say.
I actually know a vendor who was in the same situation. He actually refunded the buyer and the asshole buyer still left negative feedback. Man, did that vendor throw a fit. Thankfully the staff took care of it.

Competitor Attacks
Occasionally, who will have a unethical and disgruntled vendor that is jealous of your booming business and wants to do something to sabotage it. A lot of the times they will make multiple buyer accounts, buy the cheapest product you sell, and then turn around and either call you a scammer or the product and service was bad. If you are a victim of this, report it to the staff and your customers as soon as possible. Let them all know about the situation and given your track record, they will be understanding. Most customers can determine if you have either a troll or competitor attacking you and will not think bad of you with the given false feedback. Often staff will recognize the attack and ban the shill accounts and remove the feedback. It's sad to see vendors sink that low to do such an attack.

Trolls/Disgruntled customers
Often times you will come across these when when discussing products and prices about your product. What generally happens is that you'll get a buyer that is not happy with your price and then offers some low-ball figure, or you can have buyers that want a freebie tossed their way. You tell them no and the price stands as is. Most are understanding of this, while you do have some that act like children and throw a temper tantrum because they cannot get their way. They end up going to the forums and posting false statements calling you a scammer and that your service is terrible, blah, blah, blah. To handle this, just politely and professionally explain the situation that you never even done business with this clown and how on earth could you be a scammer when no coin was exchanged? Also explain that their behavior is ridiculous and just wanted something cheap or free. Then everybody will realize what an ass this buyer just made of themselves and will easily join your side on this situation.
Well that's all I have for right now. If any vendor would like to add on and share any of their experiences, I would love to hear them. Thanks for reading and stay safe everybody smile